Where Was The Movie 風月 (1996) Filmed

1. Temptress Moon (1996) directed by Chen Kaige • Reviews, film + cast

  • Set in the decadent 1920s, Temptress Moon tells the very complicated story of a wealthy family living on the outskirts of Shanghai. Their youngest daughter ...

  • Set in the decadent 1920s, Temptress Moon tells the very complicated story of a wealthy family living on the outskirts of Shanghai. Their youngest daughter, Ruyi, is brought up as a servant to her opium-addicted father and brother. Meanwhile, her brother-in-law Zhongliang has a successful, if illegal, career seducing and blackmailing married women in the city. When he comes to Ruyi's home the two fall in love, and trouble ensues.

2. 風月 (1996) - HKMDB

  • With strong elements of incest and drug abuse, it's little wonder that the film was banned in China. The storyline itself is slow, rambling, and often difficult ...

  • HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema

3. Tomson (Hong Kong) Films Co., Ltd. - Audiovisual Identity Database

  • 17 nov 2024 · Notable films included Red Dust (滾滾紅塵, 1990), Farewell my Concubine (霸王別姬, 1993) and Temptress Moon (風月, 1996), the latter two ...

  • Credits

4. Temptress Moon - Rotten Tomatoes

  • Zhongliang, who is now a Shanghai gigolo affiliated with criminals, is forced to reconnect with Ruyi under mysterious circumstances.

  • Zhengda (Zhou Yemang) is the eldest brother of the powerful Pang family. He is married to Xiuyi (Saifei He), smokes opium on a daily basis and orders Xiuyi's young brother, Zhongliang (Leslie Cheung), to live with them as a house servant. After Zhongliang disappears, Zhengda's health declines, and his younger sister, Ruyi (Gong Li), assumes control of the family. Zhongliang, who is now a Shanghai gigolo affiliated with criminals, is forced to reconnect with Ruyi under mysterious circumstances.

5. 風月(1996)

  • Set in the decadent 1920s, Temptress Moon tells the very complicated story of a wealthy family living on the outskirts of Shanghai. Their youngest daughter ...

  • 故事以江南龐府此一傳統世家為背景,少爺因吸毒過量,改由小姐如意作一家之主。昔日曾在龐府伺侯少爺燒煙的忠良,如今已成為上海灘上的白相人,專門以男色騙取貴婦財物維生。忠良奉大大之命回龐府騙取如意的家業,不料對她產生了真感情而無法下手。而如意在理解忠良的真正身分後黯然回鄉另交男友,卻被醋意強烈的忠良回來把她毒成癱瘓。

6. 风月_百度百科

  • 《风月》是由Tomsen Films、上海电影制片厂出品,陈凯歌执导,陈凯歌、舒琪、王安忆联合编剧,张国荣、巩俐、何赛飞主演的文艺片,该片于1996年5月9日在中国香港上映。

  • 《风月》是由Tomsen Films、上海电影制片厂出品,陈凯歌执导,陈凯歌、舒琪、王安忆联合编剧,张国荣、巩俐、何赛飞主演的文艺片,该片于1996年5月9日在中国香港上映。该片根据叶兆言创作的小说《花影》改编,以为民国时期江南小城为背景,讲述了从小父母双亡的忠良和旧家族庞府大小姐如意一段特殊年代下的凄美爱情故事。1996年,该片提名了第49届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖;1997年,巩俐凭借该片提名了第16届香港电影金像奖最佳女主角。根据猫眼电影专业版数据显示,截至2024年6月21日,该片在全球累计票房110万美元。

7. 風月

  • 【風月電影原聲帯】 Rock Records. Filming Locations. 上海, 上海影視楽園. 和平 ... 第34回(1996) ニューヨーク映画祭New York Film Festival にて上映. Articles.

8. Film: Temptress Moon (1996) | Chinese Movie Database

  • Film: Temptress Moon feng1 yue4 (1996) | Chinese Movie Database. ... : 風月. Title in pinyin. : feng1 yue4 (1996). Temptress Moon (1996). Region ...

  • Film: Temptress Moon feng1 yue4 (1996) | Chinese Movie Database

9. 風月(1996) - 演职人员— The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Set in the decadent 1920s, Temptress Moon tells the very complicated story of a wealthy family living on the outskirts of Shanghai. Their youngest daughter ...

  • 故事以江南龐府此一傳統世家為背景,少爺因吸毒過量,改由小姐如意作一家之主。昔日曾在龐府伺侯少爺燒煙的忠良,如今已成為上海灘上的白相人,專門以男色騙取貴婦財物維生。忠良奉大大之命回龐府騙取如意的家業,不料對她產生了真感情而無法下手。而如意在理解忠良的真正身分後黯然回鄉另交男友,卻被醋意強烈的忠良回來把她毒成癱瘓。

10. Discover Filming Locations - The Trustees of Reservations

  • “The Crucible” (Choate Island, 1996): Starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder, and Paul Scofield. Choate Island was used as a stand-in for colonial Salem ...

11. [PDF] Twisters Film Locations Map - Oklahoma Film and Music Office

  • Main St.,Wakita, OK 73771. This unique museum celebrates the making of the. 1996 film “Twister,” filmed in Wakita. Visitors will find props from the movie, ...

12. Films Made In Maine - Maine Film Office

  • The Ghost Trap (2024) Feature Film Locations: Camden, Rockland, Spruce Head Point and Owls Head Producers: Peter Couture, Simon Fawcett, Larry Mortorff ...

  • The Ghost Trap (2024) Feature Film Locations: Camden, Rockland, Spruce Head Point and Owls Head Producers: Peter Couture, Simon Fawcett, Larry Mortorff Director: James Khanlarian Starring: Zak Steiner, Greer Grammar, Sarah Catherine Hook, Taylor Takahashi, Steven Ogg, Xander Berkeley Bone Cold (2022) Feature FilmLocation: SacoProducers: Billy Hanson, Jaclyn Amor, Jonathan StoddardDirector: Billy HansonStarring: Jonathan

13. 风月(Temptress Moon, 1996) :: 一切关于香港,中国及台湾电影

  • 風月. 汉字名称(简体): 风月. 俄罗斯片名: Луна-соблазнительница. 发布日期 ... Golden Horse Film Festival 1996. 最佳男主角. 张国荣. 最佳艺术指导. 黄洽贵 , 姚唯 ...

  • 一切关于香港,中国及台湾电影,经典影片及新电影评价,讨论,演员影片目录

14. Famous film & TV locations | National Trust for Scotland

  • 80s movie buffs will also recognise Buachaille Etive Beag in the glen, close to where the battle scene at the start of Highlander (1986) was filmed. Explore ...

  • Explore the famous filming locations of international TV series and Hollywood feature films.

15. Suburbia Film Locations | Austin Film Commission - Visit Austin

  • Made in Austin: Suburbia · About "Suburbia" · Locations · Iconic Filming Location Map.

  • See where the movie Suburbia was filmed around Austin. Visit the locations where iconic Austin films and TV shows were made.

16. Mission: Impossible | 1996 - Movie Locations

  • The film was shot mainly in Prague and London. The 'embassy', where the doomed first operation begins, is the usual mixture of locations, outside and inside.

  • The many filming locations for the first Mission: Impossible film (1996), around Prague in the Czech Republic; London; Scotland; and briefly in the USA, Virginia.

17. 《風月》 - 小鴨看看

  • 風月劇情:父母雙亡的忠良(張國榮)投靠嫁入龐家的姐姐秀儀(何賽飛)時, ... 電影 3D電影 同性片 歌舞片 經典片 · 首頁 · 電影 · 愛情片; 風月. Set danmaku color.

  • 風月劇情:父母雙亡的忠良(張國榮)投靠嫁入龐家的姐姐秀儀(何賽飛)時,處處受到姐夫的擠兌和侮辱,一怒之下用鴉片毒廢了姐夫,逃到上海後,陰差陽錯投入黑幫頭目大大門下,成為利用色相勾引富家太太上鉤再勒索其錢財的“拆白黨”。龐府老爺死後,大小姐如意(鞏俐)被立為主事,為騙龐家財產,大大命忠良回到龐府引誘如意,豈料兩人日久生出真情,不忍再欺騙如意的忠良獨身返回上海,而如意也被大大接到上海,眼見了忠良所從事的“拆白黨

18. 风月(1996)-电影 - 影乐酷

  • 风月. 7.5分/18014人. 130分钟; 1996-05-09(香港); 剧情/爱情; 张国荣/巩俐/林健寰/何赛飞/任雷/林连…. 想看3631人 评分. 简介:父母双亡的忠良(张国荣)投靠嫁入庞 ...

  • 父母双亡的忠良(张国荣)投靠嫁入庞家的姐姐秀仪(何赛飞)时,处处受到姐夫的挤兑和侮辱,一怒之下用鸦片毒废了姐夫,逃到上海后,阴差阳错投入黑帮头目大大门下,成为利用色相勾引富家太太上钩再勒索其钱财的“拆…

Where Was The Movie 風月 (1996) Filmed


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.